Department of Law


Graduates: Justice Profession  

Definition: Persons working as an assistant to judges and prosecutors in judicial and execution institutions and having the necessary knowledge and skills to apply the rules of law. Justice professionals are qualified as intermediate staff who have a high level of knowledge and ability to solve the problems of implementation. They are the elements that will make the solution of legal problems easier in our country and contribute to the realization of justice.

Duties: The main duties of the judicial professionals who will work in the courthouses, execution institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Justice, Execution Offices and other related organizations are as follows:

· Records the applications of citizens,

· Forward these applications to the courts,

· Follows the implementation of decisions taken by judges,

· Execution of court proceedings and collection of receivables,

· Follows implementation of execution decisions.

Purpose: The aim of our school is to train qualified intermediate personnel needed in various units of the Ministry of Justice. To fulfill the need for eligible and qualified intermediate staff for judicial, administrative and other judicial organizations.

Language: Turkish

Duration: 2 years (4 semesters).

Admission and Registration Requirements: Conditions published in the OSYM guide.

Recognition of Prior Learning: The credits and contents of the students, previously taken from other higher education institutions, are exempted from the courses accepted by the board of directors.

Graduation Requirements: In order for a student to graduate from the program in which he / she is enrolled, he / she must have taken and succeeded the courses required for his / her graduation, successfully completed the applications, internships and similar studies and the graduation weighted grade point average must be at least 2.00. The graduation date of the student is the last day of the exam in that exam period. However, students who cannot graduate due to single course, internship, industry based education, graduation assignment, thesis, field work and similar reasons will graduate on the date when they are successful in the single course exam or when these studies are completed and accepted. Students who extend their graduation to the next academic semester pay the tuition fee of the semester. However, the tuition fee of the semester is not taken from the student who succeeds in one course exam.

Assessment and Evaluation Principles: Exams can be written, oral, written-oral or practical. The relevant boards decide whether the exams will be held orally and how the applications, internships, theses, projects and similar studies will be evaluated.

Employment Opportunities: Our graduates can be promoted as court editor, executive director, court clerk, prison clerk and prison administration staff. They also work in the legal consultancy units of various private and public institutions.

Access to Further Studies: Students have the opportunity to transfer to the Faculties of Law through the Vertical Transfer Exam.

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