1. The symposium program will be conducted face-to-face.
2. Applications will be made through our website; abstracts and papers will be submitted through the system.
3. Along with the abstract, a list of references and CV will be submitted.
4. Abstracts will be accepted and papers will be included in the program only after approval by the scientific committee.
5. The transportation and accommodation expenses of international participants presenting papers from outside Turkey will be covered by our University, limited to one person per paper. Domestic participants will be responsible for their own transportation and accommodation expenses.
1. The language of writing and presentation for the symposium is Turkish, English, and Arabic.
2. The full paper should be written in Microsoft Office Word or adapted to this program for submission. The paper should not exceed 20 pages in total (including text, graphics, references, and all appendices). The text should be prepared in A4 size with margins set as follows: left 4 cm, right 3 cm, top 3 cm, and bottom 3 cm. The text should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, with headings in bold. The entire text should have 1.15 line spacing, while footnotes should be single-spaced and in size 10 font. There should be a 6 pt space before and after paragraphs, and paragraph beginnings should be indented 1.25 cm.
3. The Turkish Language Association’s Spelling Guide should be followed in the papers.
4. A bibliography should be included at the end of the paper.
5. Footnotes should adhere to the following citation methods:
a. Book: The format for referencing books includes the author’s last name, first name, title of the work (italicized). If translated, the translator’s name should be included (trans.:), if edited (ed.: or ed.), if simplified (simp.:), or if it’s an edition (ed.: or ed.), followed by the publisher, place of publication, and date (e.g., Istanbul 2004), volume (e.g., vol. 4), and page number (p.). For manuscripts, the author’s name, title of the work (italicized), library, number (no.), and folio number should be provided (e.g., fol. 10b). In Hadith works, if available, the Hadith number should be mentioned after volume and page.
b. Article: For referencing articles, the author’s last name, first name, title of the article (in quotation marks), journal or work title (italicized), translator’s name if translated (trans.:), publisher, place of publication, and date, volume (e.g., vol. 4), issue number if a periodical (e.g., no. 3), and page number (p.) should be provided.
c. Printed symposium proceedings and encyclopedia entries should follow the same referencing format as articles.
d. For repeated citations in footnotes, only the author’s last name or famous name, short title of the work, volume, and page number should be written.
6. In Arabic titles, the initial letters of the first word and proper nouns should be capitalized, while others should be lowercase. For Persian, English, etc., and works written in Ottoman Turkish, the initial letters of each word in the title should be capitalized.
7. Quranic verses should be provided in the order of surah name, surah number/verse number (e.g., Al-Baqarah, 2/10).
8. Abstract, Özet, or Mulakhas (????): An abstract of 150-200 words reflecting the main points of the study should be included. In Turkish papers, Özet should precede Abstract in English papers, and Mulakhas (????) in Arabic papers. Turkish presenters should add a 150-200-word English abstract below the Özet. English presenters should add a 150-200-word Turkish abstract below the Abstract. Arabic presenters should add a 150-200-word English abstract below the Mulakhas. The abstract should be written two lines below the author names under the paper title.
9. Keywords/Anahtar Kelimeler/??????? ?????????: After the abstracts, 3-5 keywords should be provided.
130 kez görüntülendi.