Sarıkamış Tourism Faculty’s first mission; The aim of this course is to provide qualified, middle and top level executive candidates, tourist guides, executive chefs (cooks) and recreation managers for the tourism sector by providing a modern, objective and qualified education. The second mission of our faculty is; Kars and Sarikamis to realize the tourism potential in the field of tourism in the field of past-day research by combining the application of this area to help spread the information produced in the wider segments of the society. Another mission of our faculty is to fulfill our social responsibility and contribute to social development by carrying out integrative collaborations with the university and regional and regional stakeholders with the quality education to be given to our region, our region and our country.
School-level students who want to take tourism education in Turkey are among the first choices, high scores, student areas; graduates are our vision to be an educational institution which is preferred by employers.
1553 kez görüntülendi.