It is a profession which offers matters and energy in the nature to the benefits of human beings by developing economic methods with knowledge obtained through theoretical and experimental researches and experiences and applications brought by Engineering, mathematics and basic sciences. Mechanical Engineering is a department that deals with the designs and production of devices, tools, machines, systems and processes that we need in daily life and production. Modern Mechanical Engineering program include mainly complex computer assisted design, modeling and analysis in addition to basic subjects of mechanic, thermodynamic energy and materials. Mechanical Engineer is a person who is in charge of designing and conducting these works in valid, reliable, productive safe, economic ways, and respectful to environment and ethic values. Mechanical Engineering, which has the widest area of work in Turkey as well as the world, is the profession of yesterday, today and the future. General Mechanical engineering is an engineering profession that has the most working opportunities. All subjects from central heating system to nuclear power plant, bicycle to sports car, washing machine to petro-chemical facilities, refrigerator to artificial ice rink are within the area of interest of the Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical engineers can work at management, maintenance, repairing, production, quality control, design, project, marketing, contracting, consultancy and administrative positions at the fields of all types of Machine, Design and Manufacture, Electrical Machines, Petro-Chemistry, Iron-Steel, Plane, Automotive and Textile Industry; Hydro-Electric, Nuclear and Thermal Power Plants; Building Engineering (Heating, Cooling), R & D (Research and Development), etc.
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