Electrical and Electronics engineering involves a synthesis of science, technology, and design that results in such developments as consumer products, electronic components, microchips, computers, robots, electric motors, machinery controls, power generating, controlling, and transmission devices used by electric utilities; lighting, and wiring in buildings, as well as artificial intelligence, signal processing, microwave, and telecommunication equipment. Considering the rapid developments in information technology, for example, many opportunities and challenges have been created for the electrical and electronics engineer. In addition, other electrical/electronic products (as indicated above) have proliferated incredibly in recent years. This means that electrical and electronics engineering has gained an increasing importance and become more popular. It is also a field responsible for a wide range of technologies where new developments are frequent and competition is considerable. Thus, although it is difficult and costly, the members of the faculty in the Department are determined to keep themselves up to date and to keep the Department’s laboratories equipped with as many of the state-of-the art technologies that they can so that students are trained to meet the demands of the companies that will be hiring them. The Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department offers a four-year undergraduate program designed firstly to provide students with hands-on laboratory practice using state-of-the art equipment. In addition, since the ability to design is an important part of electrical and electronics engineering, students are presented with challenging design problems in several courses. The fourth year senior design project course also gives students an opportunity to take on a large challenging project similar to the ones they will have once they are employed. Also during the fourth year, students have the opportunity to focus on specific and advanced subjects in the Department and in other departments including computer engineering, industrial engineering, and mathematics. Required also is that students gain on-the-job experience of 60 working days in an electrical and/or electronics related facility during their summer vacation. Moreover, in today’s world, engineering decisions are rarely made without considering the ethical and socio-economic impact, so besides the practical work done, theoretical issues are also brought up. Finally, so that students have the chance to develop skills in communicating clearly and effectively, also important for engineers, students take non-technical elective courses in the Social Sciences and the Humanities.

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